Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Lies Lies Lies! Your Pants Are On Fire, Pinnochio!

“Narcissists lie to make themselves look good. They lie to get out of emotional responsibility. They lie to manipulate. They lie to gain influence. They lie out of habit. Life is a game to narcissists – a game they have to think they’re winning – and truth is one casualty in their game plan. The only time a narcissist has any interest in telling the truth is when it will serve them or cost them nothing to do so. The rest of the time, they don’t consider it necessary or important to be all that honest. Honesty can impede their self-gratification and compromise their powerful persona, and they don’t like that. To narcissists the truth is frequently “flexible” and optional. There’s no such thing as an honest narcissist.”
(Things Narcissists Do – Light’s House)
Still no contact, no words from him.
Good! The more time I get, the more perspective I gain. The more perspective I gain, the easier it gets to uphold no contact. Forever.

The lies. The incredible, unbelievable, outrageous lies!
From the very beginning. Thinking back it’s amazing that I didn’t catch on earlier, because they started right away. It was the crazy exes (actually not all that hard to believe, one of them messaged me obsessively on facebook with all kinds of threats if I didn’t ‘leave him alone’.)
That was a little crazy, but armed with what I know now these guys always seems to sail through and come off like the most balanced, kindhearted, honest and loving guys in the world, and also the most unlucky in love; they have left behind a trail of ‘crazy bitches who presented themselves as someone nice just to turn out to be someone totally different’. They drive people completely off the hinges, so yes, they really do come off as the squeaky clean ones. The only ones with emotions invested in the relationship also are the only ones affected by their insane behavior of course – which can make anybody feel crazy.

We met on a social media site. It was ‘love’ at first ‘inbox message’ and he was conveniently (for him) far away, but so charming. He seemed so loving, compassionate, he cared about the same things I do. At least that’s what I thought, and what he used as the romantic adhesive.
He loved animals, I do too, he loved to read, I do too, he loved movies, I do too, he could mirror my every passion in life, my soulmate.
And turns out, he really was. Nobody ever smacked me awake more brutally than he did. Nobody ever expanded my consciousness faster and more effectively than him. He was my ‘before/after’ yardstick.

But from the beginning he was letting me know that he was nothing if not honest! He NEVER behaved in any way that he would ever have to lie.
He was nothing but genuine and kind. According to him.
But his exes were all crazy though. One had serious mental problems, one was some kind of home video porn star, another one was crazy jealous for no reason whatsoever, a couple were total drug addicts…and so on and so forth. According to him.

A few months into it I discovered that HE had a serious drug problem.
He also had a very convenient problem with his short term memory, very selectively though.
He make promises, he continuously broke. He forgot.
He started to misquote me, TO me.
He started to make up stories about me that he actually told me.
He lied about everything!
Even the things he would have gotten in less trouble for had he told the truth.
Compulsive and pathologically…lies lies lies.
And for every time I exposed one, he covered it up with another lie. Or he flew off the handle in scary fits of rages.
And he went offline, just simply disappeared.

Of course now, I know that absolutely nothing was real with this guy, but for a long time it really tore me up that he never felt I was worth the truth. With these guys there IS no truth. Not to anybody. And the moment I stopped taking his lies personally, I was already halfway out of the relationship.

The comments from women on his profile pictures with sexual and romantic hints.
His amazing friendslist with close to 100% women only.
Women calling him, wanting him to call him back, it was all there in plain sight.
Him still cybersexy facebook messaging his latest ex after we had established our relationship.
(Yes, his ex was ‘nice’ enough to forward me one of those graphic chats dated and all. How he managed to wiggle himself out of that one is still a mystery to me, but he did)

The messages from him to another woman where he explained me as a ‘friend’ he was just visiting.
The messages were filled with hearts and romantic words.
I discovered them by accident one day he was messing around with his phone, I was looking down over his shoulder and asked him who that woman was.
His answer was: ‘are you gonna get mad over this and ruin the rest of our time together now?’
So I shut up. I always did.

Yes, I’m definitely dealing with the lying aspect today.
Since that is what more or less was at the base of this whole relationship it’s probably going to be something I have to unravel and deal with for a long time before I can make my peace with it.

The lies.
To be held in the dark about everything.
To be deceived and betrayed on a daily basis.
It’s a hellish place to revisit, but to move on I have to put these things to rest. To face them, realize them, see them for what they were.
And I wonder who he’s lying to now. Poor woman.

The road to healing and personal freedom from one of these guys is long and painful.
But there was a time before him, before them, I was happy, there is a time after him, I will be happy again.
And that will make every hurtful sting worth it.

Melissa Blue

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